Judy, Huang Chin-ying

Date 2017/4/25 0:00:00 | Topic: Research Institutes

Current position
Director of iiSBE since 2008
Consultant of Taiwan Society of Sustainable Built Environment since 2007.
Secretary General of Archilife Research Foundation (Taiwan) since 1982.
General Manager of A & E Development Corp. since 1982.
President of Fullife Corporation.

Research Interests
Law, Marketing, and Management.

Tel: +886-2-25631777____CP: 0918165482
Fax: +886-2-25819435

1974.06, B.E. in Law, Department of Law, National Taiwan University

Chair & keynote speaker of special session at SB2002, Oslo, Norway.
Title of keynote speech: A New Sustainable Approach - Challenge of subtropical region
Chair & keynote speaker of Student Session at SB05Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Title of keynote speech : Symbiotic Civilization
Speaker of Unit-8 at SB05Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Title of keynote speech : WILD-TECH
Speaker at iiSBE Fall Meeting 2006, Prague, the Czech Republic.
Title of speech : Symbiosis
Chair of SB07Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
Title of speech : Truth about Climate Change
Keynote speaker of Student Session at SB08Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Title of keynote speech : Symbiosis & Beyond
Keynote speaker of SB Regional Policy Reviews Session at SB08Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Title of keynote speech : SB Report in Taiwan Area
President of Taiwan Society of Sustainable Built Environment.

Events and Activities--[[download full resume in PDF format]]

This article comes from iiSBE Taiwan

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