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Member ID : 42
Audience : Default
Version 1.00.05
Published Date: 2010/8/23 15:30:00
Reads : 4354

Current position
Associate Professor
in the Department of Environmental Engineering and Science
of Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Research Interests
1.Indoor air quality
2.Investigate PPE performance against chemicals, and microorganisms
3.Exposure assessment to allergens, aerosols, bioaerosols, and chemicals
4.Evaluation of respirator performance
5.Evaluation and development of samplers for aerosol,
_bioaerosols and chemicals
6.Biological monitoring, particularly in establishing biomarkers for
_assessing exposure to chemicals, aerosols and bioaerosols
7.Exposure assessment and control of nanoparticles

Tel: +886-4-24517250 Ext. 5234
Fax: +886-4-24517686

2000.09 ~ 2004.08, Doctor Degree, Industrial Hygiene,
_University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, USA
1995.08 ~ 1997.06, Master Degree, Environmental Science,
_Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
1991.08 ~ 1995.06, Bachelor Degree, Public Health,
_Taipei Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan

2005 ~ 2009, Assistant Professor,
_in the Department of Environmental Engineering and Science
_of Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C
2004 ~ 2005, Postdoctoral Fellow
_at the Center for Health-Related Aerosol Studies
_in the Department of Environmental Health of University of Cincinnati.
2000 ~ 2004, Graduate Assistant
_at the Center for Health-Related Aerosol Studies
_in the Department of Environmental Health of University of Cincinnati.
1998 ~ 2000, Assistant Researcher
_in the National Institute of Environmental Analysis,
_Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Taiwan.

Events and Activities--[[download full resume in PDF format]]

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Contact Info
Wang Wen-an, President
Li Yen-yi, Secretary General
TEL : +886-2-25683764
FAX : +886-2-25819435
E-mail : wangwenan@iisbe-taiwan.org
Address :
5F, No. 4, Sec. 1,
Chang'an E. Rd.,Taipei,
Taiwan, 10441
About Us
TSSBE(iiSBE Taiwan) was founded on 2 June, 2007. Its objectives are to promote international communication of academic and practical activities related to sustainable building and symbiotic environment.... [more]
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